applied for VAT Registration

What do I during the period where I have applied for VAT Registration but I’m still awaiting my number?

My account advised that I need to start charging VAT on my sales but because I don’t yet have my number, Amazon are still charging VAT to me.

Can I upload the VAT number once I have it and request a VAT refund from amazon or will the VAT refund need to come from HMRC for that period?

Yes mate, you can charge and reclaim any VAT going back 6 months if you need to, it might even be longer than that! So start working back pulling out any expenses you had VAT on ready to ask your accountant to reclaim it

serious PPC challenges

I’ve been in the Amazon selling game for the past 3 years and have recently encountered some serious PPC challenges that have left me scratching my head.

I added another awesome Private Label product a few months ago, and since then, my ACOS has skyrocketed to over 50%, while my conversion rates have hit rock bottom. I’ve tried working with a couple of PPC experts over the last 6 months, but despite shelling out over 30K in PPC spend, the results have been underwhelming, to say the least.

Previously, I was moving 40 to 50 units a day, and now I’m barely hitting 10 to 15. I’m at a bit of a loss here and would genuinely appreciate any insights or advice you seasoned sellers might have to offer. What strategies have worked for you in overcoming similar PPC hurdles?

Have you experienced a significant drop in sales after introducing new products, and if so, how did you bounce back? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences.

1) Your ACOS has skyrocketed across the whole account? Or just for the new product that you launched?

2) How long ago did you launch the product? And how long after this did the sales drop?

3) Was the new product in the same category or linked to your other products in any way?

1) Acos Gone high across the whole account.

2) launched 2nd product in July and since then i have been struggling.

3) Yes both products are in the Same Category and few days i get sales on 1st product and the other product conversion goes very low and some days I get sales on 2nd product and 1st product conversion goes very low.

My price is lower than most sellers and have good reviews.

yeah it sounds like the 2nd product has cannibalised your sales. Are both products essentially the same thing? As in are your products competing against each other?


现在我们遇到了增值税问题,我们的生产商无法在我们入境时提供增值税收据/增值税支付凭证。我们该怎么办?如果我们不能要求在订单上支付增值税,就意味着我们将失去目前的 20% 优惠,请提供帮助。

通常情况下,对于 EXW,您的货运代理会在进口时给您一张增值税付款发票。然后,您可以在退还增值税时要求退税。也许还有其他方法,但通常的做法是在进口时退还增值税。


有谁知道如何把我的钱从一个被亚马逊封禁的账户中取出来吗?我们已经上诉了两年,最后支持部门承认继续上诉毫无价值。但是他们账户里有我 3000 多英镑的钱,我可以把亚马逊告上小额索赔法庭来取出这笔钱吗?

 我发现威胁去找英国金融申诉专员通常会得到你需要的结果。他们可能是为你讨回钱款的最佳人选。小额索赔法院也可以起作用,而且可能是英国金融申诉专员的建议,但他们是为数不多的让 May 稍感恐惧的机构之一。 


我从 2018 年起在亚马逊上注册了一个品牌产品。最近,我无法更改图片或主图。当我联系亚马逊时,他们说该页面现在归其他人所有,我需要联系获胜的贡献者。



你怎么能拥有品牌却不拥有产品页面?这就是品牌注册的意义所在。你不能拥有品牌却不编辑产品。即使您拥有的品牌商品有问题,您也可以告诉卖家支持,他们会在 1 小时内以紧急消息的形式更正。



我卖掉了我的 FBA 业务,但我们曾经在每个订单上使用 "请求评论 "按钮。这是一种 "合法 "的方式,不违反任何规则,而且会直接将客户发送到发布评论页面。




请回答: Campaign Manager 不准确,有一定的滞后性。您在卖家中心的销售数字是正确的。营销活动数据可能需要 48 小时才能更新新的销售额。因此,周一的销售额可能会在周三显示为您的营销活动账户的销售额。卖家中心主页上的数字是准确的!


如果我想用做 RA 的同一账户在亚马逊上开设自己的服装生产线,会有问题吗?

其次,我想把该商品列为普通品牌,并创建一个全新的列表(如果我这样做,是否会成为 PL 或其他卖家加入我的行列?
