The Ultimate Guide to Product Barcoding & Labeling on Amazon

Figuring out exactly how you need to label your product in order to sell on Amazon comes a very close second on the confusion-o-meter to questions like “Why do you never see baby pigeons?” and “What’s the meaning of life?”

This guide will peel back the layers of tear-inducing uncertainty (like a large onion) by covering everything from how to choose the type of barcode you need, buying the correct codes, and a step-by-step walkthrough of how to create and print your first FNSKU.

For experienced Amazoners, we’ll even tackle deeper questions like, Can you use resold Amazon barcodes? Is it cheaper to get or GS1 barcodes? And what are the real dangers of co-mingled inventory?


  1. Why your products need a barcode
  2. What is a barcode?
  3. What kind of barcode do I need to sell on Amazon?
  4. GS1 vs. FNSKUs
  5. How to create barcode labels on Amazon
  6. Can I use resold barcodes on Amazon?
  7. Conclusion

Why Does My Product Need a Barcode?

If you’ve ever shopped at any physical store you’ll have noticed every product has a barcode (if you haven’t, welcome to Earth, please enjoy your visit).

Amazon’s no different.

Just like physical stores, they use barcodes to identify and track inventory throughout the fulfillment process, so…

Every Product You Sell Needs Its Own Unique Barcode

Let me clarify exactly what this means because I see the following question a lot from new sellers on forums and seller groups:

“I’m having 500 super widgets manufactured. Do all 500 of them need their own unique barcode? Or do all 500 of them use the same barcode?”

The answer’s the latter. Each product needs a bar code.

As long as all 500 super widgets are exactly the same product, they all use the same barcode on their packaging.

So you only need one barcode for that product.

I stress “exactly the same,” because every product variant – whether that’s size or color or whatever – is treated as a completely different product…

  • 500 orange super widgets = one unique barcode applied to all 500
  • 500 blue super widgets = one unique barcode applied to all 500
  • 250 small orange super widgets and 250 large orange super widgets = one unique barcode for small and large versions (so two in total)

Do Product Bundles Need Barcodes?

Pro-tip: Ensure only one barcode is visible on the retail packaging

Yes, bundles need their own unique barcode too.

Even if it’s two products that already have their own barcodes? Yes.

Even if it’s a 2-pack of the same product, and that product already has a barcode? Yes.

Bundles are their own unique product; they have their own price, their own shipping weight, their own packaging dimensions…

So every different type of bundle needs its own barcode.

What Exactly Is a Barcode?

A bar code is simply a machine-readable code featuring a series of numbers. Barcodes allow items to be quickly scanned using tools like barcode scanners. The numbers that are normally written below the barcode are the human-readable representation of those numbers. Both the numbers and the barcode mean exactly the same thing.

Bar codes consist of a scannable portion and a unique identifier portion
Bar codes consist of a scannable portion and a unique identifier portion.

You can generate a barcode for free from a million websites. Go ahead and try it. Type in your phone number into site 1 and site 2 – both generate the same, scannable barcode which is a representation of your phone number. So really, it’s not the barcode that is difficult and costly to acquire, it’s the UPC or Universal Product Code.

What Kind of Barcode Do I Need to Sell on Amazon?

Good question. Let’s start with what Amazon says…

“There are two kinds of barcodes for identifying products:

  • Manufacturer barcodes (eligible barcodes include GCID, UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN)
  • Amazon barcodes (such as FNSKU)”

The first group, manufacturer barcodes, all fall into the GTIN family (Global Trade Item Number).

You don’t need to know what these mean (trust me on this, I now do and my life has in no way improved). All you need to do is ask the question: Does my product already have a manufacturer barcode?

To answer that question, answer this question…

Are You the Manufacturer of Your Product?

If you’re a private label seller buying products and branding them with your own brand, the answer to that is YES, you are the manufacturer of your product.

So you can skip to the next section, “WHAT ABOUT AMAZON BARCODES?” (lucky you).

If you’re doing retail arbitrage or wholesaling a branded product that’s NOT YOUR OWN BRAND, chances are you’re not the manufacturer of your product.

For example, say I resell Fresh Step Cat Litter on Amazon. I’m not the manufacturer or brand owner.

If that’s the case, and the product you plan to sell isn’t already listed on Amazon, use the long string of numbers on its barcode (its GTIN) to set up your listing.

(If you’re shipping straight from a supplier to an FBA warehouse, and don’t have access to the barcode of the product, ask the manufacturer or distributor you bought it from for the GTIN.)

If the product IS already listed on Amazon (like our Fresh Step example above), then you’ll need the product’s ASIN to list it.

This can easily be found in a couple of places:

In your browser search bar when the product page is open on – it’s the string of numbers and letters starting with B with a forward slash either side.

Amazon ASIN how to find

Or, scroll down the listing to ‘Product Details’…

amazon asin definition
The barcode people love crazy acronyms. ASIN stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number.

If the product’s already listed, you’ll need the ASIN because you’ll have to share the existing  Amazon listing with the other sellers.

If you ignore that and create a new listing with the product’s GTIN, you risk creating what’s known as a duplicate listing.

Darklord Bezos frowns on duplicate listings. They do not make him happy.

Best case scenario, your listing will eventually get shut down.

Worst case scenario, your seller account will be shut down.

Once you have either the GTIN or the ASIN, you’re ready to list your product.

So What About Amazon Barcodes?

If you’re a private labeler selling your own branded products through either Amazon FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon) or FBM (Fulfilled By Merchant) you’ll want an Amazon barcode for your product.

More specifically, you’ll want an Amazon FNSKU.

FNSKU is the way that Amazon identifies a product as unique to the seller that has sent it to the Amazon fulfillment center.

Co-Mingled Inventory- Manufacturer Barcodes (GS1) vs. Amazon Barcodes (FNSKUs)

Once your listing’s created, Amazon will give you the option to choose between using the manufacturer barcode or an Amazon barcode. (I walk through this in, “It’s time to create your FNSKU label.”)

Amazon is okay with you using either. If you choose manufacturer barcode then this is what Amazon refers to as co-mingled inventory.

Co-mingled inventory can be a problem because this means that Amazon has no record of what inventory is yours and which is potentially another seller’s.

So should some nefarious individual decide to sell knock-offs of your product there will be no way to instantly know which products are real and which are fakes.

An FNSKU identifies not just the product but the specific seller too. Which is why you want an FNSKU. Which also rhymes.

How Do You Get an FNSKU?

There are two routes to get an FNSKU for your product.

Amazon FNSKU

The second route involves applying for GTIN exemption, but this is only available for products in certain categories.

And the first route, in true Amazon chicken or egg fashion, requires you to enter a “Product ID,” aka… you guessed it…  a manufacturer barcode.

Wait? What? I thought he only just said private label products don’t have a manufacturer barcode?

How Do I Get a UPC?

Depending on who you ask, you either have one choice or two choices when it comes to buying a UPC EAN code:

  • Brand new GS1 UPC codes from GS1 (aka
  • Used GS1 UPC codes from third-party resellers

What you actually pay for from GS1 is a license for the prefix, and the right to create multiple barcodes with that prefix.

And GS1 is the ONLY organization that can license and assign these company prefixes.

When you buy a UPC from resellers you are using their company prefix. Most resellers promise that you are the only one with access to that UPC code and they sell them as “GS1 originated UPC codes.”

Because of this, if you type any used UPC bought from a third-party seller into (GS1’s Global Electronic Party Information Registry), even if the license has expired it will show you the company that originally licensed the prefix.

For example, here’s what came back when I typed in a used UPC I bought from a well-known third-party seller:

None of the information thrown back by GS1 for this UPC matches any information on my seller account, but when I then created a dummy listing with it, Amazon accepted it.

GS1 company database

Can I Use Resold Barcodes on Amazon?

Amazon’s language regarding resold barcodes is ambiguous.

We continue to use resold barcodes on many of our products (from and have had no problems to date.

If Amazon will not accept your resold barcode normally that barcode will be rejected during the product creation phase, not after.

Where issues can arise is if someone else lists a product with the same barcode as you.

l be available within 20 minutes.

How to Create an FNSKU Label

Now you need to go to Inventory > Manage Inventory in your Seller Central account and find the listing you just created.

For the purpose of walking you through this, I used my resold GS1 UPC to set up a dummy listing for a fake product, aka a Buttery Butter Warmer.

creating FNSKUs on Amazon

Even though the listing is suppressed and incomplete at this point, you can still create and print our FNSKU labels.

First, click the drop-down menu to the right of the “Edit” button on the far right of the screen. A menu will appear.

creating an Amazon barcode

From that menu, choose “Change to Fulfilled by Amazon” and a pop-up box will appear.

Remember, make sure that the barcode type selected is “Amazon barcode” not “Manufacturer Barcode” (unless you are using manufacturer barcodes, aka co-mingled inventory) and then press the “Convert Only” button.

A second box will appear and you’ll be asked to “Add dangerous goods information.”

To do this, simply click on “Add dangerous goods information” and… you guessed it… another pop-up box will appear…

amazon barcodes 3

Once that’s done, press submit and your FNSKU will be created.

If you plan to use Amazon’s labeling service and pay Amazon to label your inventory when it arrives at an FBA warehouse, this is where you punch the air and take a cool sip of that hard-earned Diet Canada Dry Ginger Ale… because you, my friend, are finished.

Having Your Manufacturer Label Your Items

Having your supplier (Chinese or otherwise) label your items is generally a good idea as they will normally do it for free.

If supplying labels to your supplier, normally they will want you to provide packaging with the barcodes incorporated into it OR a 30-Up PDF of barcodes if they are applying stickers.

If you are having your supplier label your items be very vigilant to ensure they apply labels correctly. Both ensure they apply the correct barcodes (use an inspection company like QIMA), and that their barcodes are machine-readable by a barcode scanner, (have your supplier attempt to scan your items using a free cellphone barcode reader app).

How to Create Barcode Labels on Amazon

If you’re planning to print and apply your own barcodes or need to send your barcode(s) to your manufacturer to add to your packaging, there are just a couple more steps.

First, head back to the “Manage Inventory” page to find your listing again.

Now check the box to the far left to select your new listing…

creating FNSKUs on Amazon

Click on the drop-down menu above that says “Action on 1 selected… “

amazon barcode creation

And choose “Print item labels” from the menu that drops down. Another pop-up box will appear.

amazon convert barcodes

Next to the “Print Item Labels” is yet another drop-down menu containing barcodes preset for different types of label printer paper.

For those printing their own barcodes and labeling your products yourself, you’ll need to choose the label paper type that matches the one you bought.

Then press “Print Item Labels,” a pdf of your labels will download, open the pdf and then follow the on-screen printing instructions.

Although, if you want to edit or customize your label, you might want to keep reading…

If you’re sending your FNSKU barcode to your manufacturer…

You have two options when sending your FNSKU barcode to your manufacturer:

  • Ask them to print it on a label and stick it on your product
  • Ask them to print it directly onto your product packaging

Either of these is allowed by Amazon (I can say for certain because I do both), but there are guidelines you should follow to make sure your barcode is TOS compliant.

This is what you barcode will look like when you open your pdf:

Here is what Amazon says about barcodes printed on either labels or straight onto packaging:

So, if you want to customize your label, for example, if your product requires “Made In China” to be printed on its packaging, you can add it to the white space around your barcode…

As long as you make sure there’s still 0.25 inches of white space either side of the barcode itself and 0.125 inches above and below.


Creating your first product barcode on Amazon can be a little overwhelming. However, if you start by deciding whether your product already has a manufacturer barcode or it doesn’t, and then follow the logical steps set out in this guide based on your answer to that question, you’ll be one step closer to selling your product on Amazon.

Barcodes for Selling on Amazon

Amazon explicitly states that suppliers should ONLY obtain UPC barcodes with brand-associated UPC Company Prefixes. Companies who circumvent the process and obtain cheap 3rd party barcodes jeopardize their company’s chances for success.

Amazon GTIN Barcode Requirements:

  • Many categories have specific UPC/EAN and GTIN guidelines that sellers are required to follow when creating product pages. These include requirements for products sold as bundles and requirements for products sold as packs.
  • UPC requirements may vary across categories or for different types of products in the same category. 
  • Sellers must use the correct product identifier for the item they are listing. The use of false product identification information, including UPC codes, is prohibited.
  • ISBN barcodes are required when uploading listings for books.

In order to set-up a new product listing on Amazon, you will need either a valid UPC or ISBN number;

UPC Barcode (Used for most items)

upc barcode illustration

The Amazon UPC Barcode Policy impacts not only new suppliers desiring to sell on Amazon but also existing sellers who risk having their account suspended. Suspended sellers not only lose time and money trying to get reinstated but also forfeit lost profit which comes with blocked listings and account suspension.  The policy reads as:

As of July 2019, the following page “Valid UPCs” has been added to Amazon Seller Central.

Amazon Valid UPCs

By obtaining UPC barcodes, Amazon sellers are provided a UPC Company Prefix which uniquely identifies their company.  Amazon, like many other companies, requires the Company Prefix to reflect the actual brand owner and not some 3rd party reseller company.

Amazon Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Are suppliers required to have UPC or ISBN barcodes for items being sold on Amazon?

YES! In order to set-up items in Amazon’s brand registry, users are required to enter a UPC number (general merchandise) and an ISBN (for books) as part of the item set-up procedure.  NOTE: There are a some exemptions to the UPC/ISBN requirement, refer to Amazon’s UPC/ISBN Exemption policy if you believe your company does not need a UPC/ISBN product identifier.

Are all Amazon suppliers required to place a UPC barcode on each item shipped to Amazon Fulfillment Centers?

NO! Amazon requires an Amazon Product Label on all non-Stickerless Commingled Inventory.  For suppliers who are not able to place an Amazon Product Label on each item, need to mark items with a UPC label and then pay Amazon $.20/per label to print and apply an Amazon Product Label.

Barcodes from Work Nearly Everywhere barcodes are used by businesses around the world to identify and track products, making them one of the most widely recognized and accepted barcode standards. These barcodes are found on a wide range of products, including food, clothing, electronics, and more. They are used in stores, warehouses, and distribution centers to efficiently track and manage inventory, as well as to facilitate the sale and purchase of goods.

One of the reasons that barcodes are so widely accepted is that they are designed to be read by a variety of scanners, including those found in stores, warehouses, and distribution centers. This means that businesses can use GS1 barcodes to track and manage their products regardless of where they are in the supply chain.

Another advantage of barcodes is that they contain a wealth of information about the product, including the manufacturer, the product’s specific features, and the country of origin. This information can be accessed by scanners and other tracking systems, helping businesses to quickly and accurately identify and track their products.

Overall, barcodes are an essential tool for businesses around the world, helping them to efficiently track and manage their products and streamline their operations.

Contacted a customer to remove a negative review

have you ever successfully contacted a customer to remove a negative review? I am thinking along the lines of: Dear X, we are very sorry that you had a negative experience with our product Y. Would you be prepared to remove your review in exchange for a full refund or replacement”?

Print UPC barcode or FNSKU barcode on the packaging?

Do I need to print UPC barcode or FNSKU barcode on the packaging? or is it better to stick label? Would I need any other labels like warning label?


If you personally send the items to Amazon’s warehouse, you can place the labels yourself before shipping.You can pay a fee to Amazon and they will take care of it.If your items go from the supplier directly into Amazon’s warehouse, you have to email the FNSKU labels to the supplier and have him print the FNSKU barcodes on the packaging or place FNSKU labels on the boxes.The FNSKU labels have to be placed above the UPC barcodes (if the UPC codes are on there), covering them.

UPC barcode for my packaging or the FNSKU barcode

I am just wondering if I should use the UPC barcode for my packaging or the FNSKU barcode? Right now my FNSKU is the same as my ASIN which doesn’t seem right. Any help would be appreciated Note: I am using Amazon UK

Answer: FNSKU goes on the product mate.  EAN/ UPC are used to create the listing


Could I please ask for someone’s advice on barcodes for Amazon FBA? Do you use both your GS1 (GTIN-13) and an Amazon FNSKU barcodes on your products when you ship them into an Amazon FBA warehouse? Where exactly do you place both of them – on the product box, on the shipping boxes? Can you incorporate either or both of these barcodes into your customised packaging design when you have your own box design printed? Or do they have to be stuck on as labels? If possible, I would like to include the barcodes on the packaging design because this will save on having to print barcode labels… is that possible?? My understanding is that you need a GS1 (GTIN-13) barcode in order to create an Amazon listing. And then the Amazon FNSKU barcodes allows Amazon to differentiate your product from other sellers as well as organise it in their warehouse. But does this mean that you should put one type of barcode not another or both?


Your understanding in the last paragraph is correct. You need a UPC/EAN barcode to create your listing. This is to tell amazon that this product is valid. Once the listing is made, you no longer need this barcode. You can downloaded your own FNSKU/ASIN barcodes which are specific to your product. This will now need to go on the outer layer of your product packaging. Your can either get it integrated into a packaging design or have it stuck onto the product. Just don’t put 2 barcodes on 1 product!Your shipping boxes are a whole different thing. You will get your barcodes for those when it comes to creating a shipping plan !! So don’t worry bout that yet !

Currency conversion fees

My concern is with currency conversion fees. Amazon US converts USD to GBP when paying me. I then convert GBP to USD to pay my manufacturer. This can’t be cost effective. Anybody else concerned with this issue? Any suggestions on the best way to improve it?

Answer: We’re with World First, although we don’t sell in the US (pulled out). Open an account with them or similar, you’ll get your USD paid directly to them, then pay out again in USD for small fee plus percentage. You should be doing that anyway as the conversion rate with Amazon is horrific

Returned a £60 product back but swapped their faulty one with the new one

I have buyer who recently returned a £60 product back to me, they returned a different coloured item in the same box, obviously swapped their faulty one with the new one. They first claimed it was faulty and then messages saying they think it’s second hand and that the colour is blue. They ordered silver. I only send out items that are sealed. The buyer didn’t open a return request and just sent me the messages, I did request that they send me some photos to confirm the outer packaging was correct or a mistake on my part. They didn’t not send any photos and simply sent a message saying they’ve posted it back and that I pay for the return.Where do I stand with the item not being the one I sent out?

Answer: Be very careful if this person writes a review saying that they think it’s second hand. This happened to me . Clearly not second hand as selling 50-100 units a day. Amazon took this variation off Amazon and asked me to write a plan. In my plan I basically denied it all, stating it wasn’t second hand – gave all invoices etc. Amazon rejected my plan. This same person wrote a second review on another variation the same. Amazon did the same. Suppressed the listing. I searched YouTube for tips writing my plan this time. Basically had to write a plan admitting fault and how I was going to make sure this never happened again 🙄 which was accepted and I can now sell this variation again. The original variation with the failed plan seems to have been blacklisted by Amazon they won’t even read any messages requesting this be looked at again. Just a friendly warning . This is a best selling sports product ranking #2 in its category and amazon have blocked it because of one review stating it was second hand!

beware having any feedback along ‘used sold as new’ lines. That spells trouble with suppressed listings and plans of action. Sometimes it’s less cost and agony to just put up with the occasional idiot customer like this rather than try and fight it and run the risk of more serious product listing implications. That’s ultimately your call to make but in my experience, the hassle of trying to deal with one-offs outweighs the small cost of just paying them off/closing the issue.