Two years successful selling on FBA.

Approximately 50 SKUs, all added using Speedy Bar Codes (I know… I know…)

Recently approached by a big box retailer who would like to sell most of my product line in their stores.

Retailer requires products have bar codes

Question: Can I buy bar codes and then change the existing UPCs on my Amazon listings to new bar codes?

If not, is there an alternative that allows me to keep my existing AMZ listings with reviews, ranking, etc?

I don’t feel comfortable asking Amazon about any of this as I do not want to draw any attention to my use of barcodes.

Add a second listing on AMZ with all the same data and photos as the original. Except use GS1 barcode as the identifier. After it’s live, ask catalog team to merge the 2 listings. Then no matter which code is used on Amazon it will show under the same listing.